Kick off soon-oh I just want to get to start line


Friday 18 Feb 2022- Typing this -Friday Morning one week from start less than 8 days away) and had an easy ride this morning to complete my training and reach a personal milestone in total kim’s  done since starting on this plan to do  event. 

That’s now it, done, no more training and the plan is no more bike riding until I get up to the start next Sat morning 26 Feb. 

It has been crazy busy last week or more, and will be until I leave on wed next week to travel to the start, working on Client work, Other meetings and lots of reading, loads of jobs around the house as I will be away for over 1 month. 

So many lists prepared and checking stuff off so don’t forget jobs needing doing and all the “stuff” needed to packed for the “journey”.  It’s been full on and frankly I just want  to start that now.. 

The traffic on the Tour Aotearoa facebook has page is getting busier as riders ask last minutes questions seeking to reduce their anxiety about gear to take, route tips etc etc but the planning work is done and for me its trying to get rest into body at least and once tasks finished at home, allow my mind to quiet down and get to a relaxed state. 

Ralph our lovely dog didn’t come inside last night (It was a full moon)  and I woke in early hours, to find him laying on our bed. I  didn’t have heart to remove him, so the plan to have a good nights sleep went slightly astray !.

 I have walking insanely early for months now, so I could prepare my gear, have an early breakfast and catch up with world news fromBBC, then be out of the house and be away on the bike, in the dark generally well before 5 am to get  cycle training done early in the day. This  avoided the worst of the summer heat and allowed me do other things that life involves normally, without too much disruption.  Ralph’s antics last night weren’t in that plan.

Earlier in the week, I thought about how else I can get information to people who wanted to track me as I have had a lot of requests. I decided on some sort  of information system and my very good son-in law, Alex Bridger suggested a blogg. Alex thank you so much for help. You are seeing the results of his idea and yes some practical IT help from my botched attempt to set up my blogg. I  hope it helps understand the nature of the adventure .

Oh I can’t wait to start..

Lee -Anne and I depart Gisborne on Wednesday next week, stay with Tarly and Alex on wednesday night in hamilton, then travel to Whangarei on Thursday to stay with Ngaire and John, Lees cousins,  On Friday travel  up to a Department of Conservation  freedom camp at Tapotupotu Bay, which is  approx 5 km short of the start at Cape Reinga. Lee will sleep in the back of my car and me maybe in my tent that night.

The Brevit (tour) starts at 8 am on Saturday morning, and I will be on the TOUR !it will have started.

 One fellow rider posted this a few days ago-I  weather map below for his start day.

Yes, an unfavorable weather forecast , over 1 week out from start mind you. From my training  I have learnt that the weather will be what it will be, and often never as bad as predicted. Get out all weathers is part of the adventure. Signed  up for it and it out of our control. Secretly  I hope it is nice 😅😎😎. Something I will share just with you, I have found I don’t like the heat and in reflection never have performed well in it.

It made me remember my running and triathlon days. that is a while ago now by the way , last run in May 2004 as hip problems came to the fore and before booths replacements.  I do much prefer a dull day to a super hot day,  and never minded  at all running or cycling in the rain, as long as its not cold rain, In fact I enjoyed it..

 I remember back in mid winter last year,  early mornings about 6.30-7 am ish, coming back from big river in the dark, often  at that the the  air temperature was as low as 3 degrees and not feeling my toes or fingers-It wasn’t terrible, but please Hughie not too cold eh  as we move thru the alps in the South Island leg.  . Postscript-I checked weather forecast myself  for Saturday morning-  now 3 days out from start and head winds are predicted for 90 mile beach on Sat.It will be what it will be. Enjoy it  Lyall, Oh again I just want to start. 

Well best get back to complete those jobs, no rest for the wicked and I must be very bad.😁😡🚴

I hope you enjoy my Blogs if you do read.

Kindest regards  to you all, stay safe.

